Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Criminal justice reform project wins international award

The ambitious criminal justice reform project organized by the Uruguay and Minnesota chapters of Partners, now in its fifth year, won the "It All Started With A Travel Grant" award last month at the group's convention in Medellin, Colombia.

This award was presented to both the Minnesota and Uruguay chapters in a competitive contest that featured applications submitted from across the Americas.

Congratulations are very much in order to Gabriela Fulco and her team in Uruguay, and to Bruce McManus and his team in Minnesota.

You can read more about Bruce (pictured above on the left along with Erik Brand, chapter president) and the successful project on our website at

Friday, December 16, 2011

Thank you for joining us!

We were delighted to see so many volunteers and members at the annual member meeting on Monday.

The responses to the presentations were overwhelmingly positive, and we wish to express our gratitude to all of the speakers and guests.

With the help of energetic volunteers and the continued support of members, Minnesota-Uruguay Partners has been able to continue its strong history of excellence in programs and service to its mission.

You can stay abreast of our work in the coming months through our newsletter, website and a host of other ways. You can renew your membership at any time during the year online, as well.

We look forward with enthusiasm to a successful 2012, and wish you all very happy holidays.